When I was a kid my mom told me that I was going to become a hoarder. My attachment to inanimate objects was increasingly becoming worse and worse as the years went on. I could not overcome my severe emotional attachment. Sticks from outside that I played with for a day, candy wrappers that I would snack on, and even old pieces of paper I scribbled on from when I was bored in class would all be stuffed in a box in my room.
Then came a day where my mom had enough and gave me an ultimatum. She told me I had to start getting rid of stuff or that she was going to go through my stuff and start getting rid of things for me. I panicked, and I pleaded with her to give me time. She gave me a week. No one understood that everything had a soul to me. I could not stand the thought of an object feeling like they were abandoned because they didn’t have a purpose anymore. During that time, I created a technique to help me overcome emotional attachment.
How to overcome attachment?
The best way to overcome emotional attachment is to create an escape for your emotions without allowing it to interfere with your real life. The technique I’m about to share may seem silly at first, but it’s an extremely healthy and effective coping mechanism. It also strengthens decision making. I encourage anyone to try this first before moving onto more developed methods. This is not limited to just objects, it can be used for almost anything you struggle with letting go of. I call it Infinite Shifting.

Infinite Shifting
1. Create a world in your mind that is infinite.
• Take your time shaping the world for objects to live in. Envision it, believe it’s a real place in another dimension connected through your mind.
• For example, I created a world where it was just never-ending green meadows and trees. I gave the objects in my mind the freedom to build whatever they want using their imagination to conjure whatever they needed.
2. Focus on the thing you are struggling to get rid of and explain the situation.
• You can touch it, look at it, or see it in your mind. You don’t even have to be near it to connect with it. Talk to it, it’s like having a conversation with a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Don’t rush anything, just be with them for a bit.
3. Now invite them to the world in your mind that you created. Ask them if they are okay with transferring their soul to your created world in your mind.
• You will feel if the object accepts or doesn’t accept. This is an important step because you do not want to force anything, even an object has the right to do what they want.
• If you feel that they are not accepting, give them time, and try asking again later.
4. Imagine the object’s soul or energy leaving the item and transferring to your world in your mind.
• You can imagine this any way you want. The way I imagine the transfer is seeing their soul as a purple flame. I imagine it slowly entering my mind and into the world where they take their physical form again.
• They will continue living in your world free to do whatever they want. You can always call upon them or just think about them and the memories you had with them.
5. Once the transfer is over, the object should feel empty. Whatever happens to their “physical body” does not matter anymore because they are living in your mind freely.
• The object should now be easier to get rid of now. If you are still struggling, I encourage you to retry the technique. The object can transfer back to its body if it wishes.

There’s no limit to how many objects can live within your world, as it is infinite. Memories, buildings, plants, things from a store, a specific area of a field, anything that you become attached to can be used for this technique. Of course, humans and animals are exceptions since they are living souls who have control over their bodies. There’s no right or wrong way to imagine the way you do this technique. Do what feels right, and trust in yourself.
This is a technique that I never thought would be sharing, but I hope it helps you in some way or changes your perspective on things you are attached to. If you plan on trying this technique out to overcome emotional attachment, tell me how your created world is going to look?